Math Thought & Practice (MATH 105)

Welcome to the homepage for MATH 105-W01 Mathematical Thought and Practice, taught online in Fall 2018.

Course activities will occur in four primary locations:

  1. Knewton Alta ( )
    • Adaptive, multimedia courseware and problem-solving assignments
  2. Blackboard ( )
    • Submit mastery quizzes, exams, and projects
    • Track your progress
  3. Slack ( )
    • Discussions, announcements, all communications
  4. Twitch ( )
    • Online class meetings and office hours

Semester Project: “House Hunters” – Due Wednesday, December 12th.

Welcome to Matt Salomone’s Mathematics Home

Welcome to my newly-updated web home at .

I enjoy thinking, tweeting, and sometimes blogging about emerging issues in the teaching and learning of mathematics and quantitative literacy. Some of what you’ll find here includes:

Open Courses/Text Projects:

Continue reading “Welcome to Matt Salomone’s Mathematics Home”

Gone TPSE-Turvy, Part 2: Sacred Cows

Mistrust the “must.”

That’s the word that characterizes so many aspects of the math major curriculum that it ought to be the subject of its own course. That course would probably be a required prerequisite of every other course in the program.

Every “must” in a curriculum erects barriers for students. Some of those ramparts are worth manning. Some are not. All of them restrain the flexibility of our programs and narrow the pipeline of potential talent in them. To get where TPSE envisions math programs are going, some of our “musts” will need to become “shoulds,” or even “coulds.” Continue reading “Gone TPSE-Turvy, Part 2: Sacred Cows”